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For driving schools providing driving lessons in Lytham St Annes look no further you've found the best. A to B Driving School offer Fully Qualified driving instructor with 25 years experience teaching people to drive, for more information on lesson availability....


Call: Ian or Sheila   07734919634


A to B Driving School offer you a choice of learning to drive in the New Volkswagen Golf Sport. Our driving school instructors are Pass Plus registered with the Driving Standards Agency.

Safety first:

When new drivers start learning to drive mistakes can be made. You can have peace of mind in the knowledge that the driving school car is fitted with the latest He-Man Dual controls. Dual controls are there as a last measure to maintain safety for ourselves and the general public.

Our Commitment:

A to B Driving instructors are always patient, friendly, and reliable. We work very hard to make sure that learning to drive is, enjoyable and fun. You can also have the reassurance of having the same instructor from your first driving lesson, until the day you pass your driving test.