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Learner Driving Courses..

Driving courses are designed for learner drivers who would like to learn to drive in a short space of time. All learner drivers will receive a free Highway Code, and the loan of a driving Theory CD Rom, which also contains a CD of the Hazard perception test when booking a 20 or 30 hour driving course.


Call: Ian or Sheila   07734919634

5 Hour Course

This five hour driving course is aimed at all drivers who would like the benefits of a discount course without breaking the bank! We recommend this driving course for all drivers wheather you are new to driving, or just need to brush up before your driving test. If you are new pupil with A to B driving school see driving lesson special offer.

Price: £175.00

10 Hour Course

This 10 hour driving course is aimed at drivers who have a lot of experience of driving. We recommend this driving course for drivers who have had at least 30 hours professional Instruction and have driven within the last 6 weeks.

Price: £345.00

20 Hour Course

This driving course is designed for the driver who has limited experience of driving. Drivers who have not driven for several weeks/months will take several hours just to regain confidence. Allowing yourself more time to gain experience, and confidence to learn to drive will make you a better driver, and better prepared for your driving test.

Price: £680.00

30 Hour Course

Beginners courses are for new drivers, or drivers who have very limited experience for learning to drive. Learning new skills such as learning to drive is always better doing a little, but often. Driving courses of this length will give new drivers good understanding of all subjects set out by the Driving Standards Agency, syllabus of learning to drive.

Price: £1005.00